Privacy Policy for Hawyati


Welcome to Hawyati, your digital identity. Hawyati is designed to operate fully offline, ensuring that your personal information remains confidential and protected at all times. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, store, and secure your data while using the Hawyati app.

Data Collection:

Hawyati collects basic information necessary to create a digital identity for users, such as name, sex, date of birth, and other relevant details. It is important to note that all data collection processes are conducted offline, ensuring that no information is shared externally.

Data Usage:

Since the app operates offline, there is no need for data usage related to user information. Your privacy remains paramount, and we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of any data you input within the app.

Data Storage and Security:

Any data entered into the Hawyati app remains stored locally on your device. We do not transfer, upload, or store any user data on external servers or cloud services. Your information is securely stored within the confines of your device, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or breaches.

User Rights:

As a user of the Hawyati app, you have the right to control your data. Since the app does not collect or store any personal information externally, you maintain full control over any data input into the app. You can delete your data within the app at any time by uninstalling it, providing you with complete autonomy over your information.

Third Party Sharing:

Hawyati does not share any user data with third parties. Since the app operates offline and does not collect personal information, there is no sharing of data with external entities. Your privacy remains safeguarded within the confines of the app, and your information remains private and confidential.

Policy Changes:

Any changes to this privacy policy will be communicated through updates within the Hawyati app. We encourage users to review the privacy policy periodically to stay informed about how their data is handled. By continuing to use the app, you signify your acceptance of any revisions to the privacy policy.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the privacy policy or the Hawyati app, please contact us at We are committed to addressing any inquiries promptly and ensuring your continued satisfaction with our privacy practices.

Thank you for choosing Hawyati, where privacy and security are our top priorities.